Thursday, March 22, 2012

Student Spouse Alliance's Hard at Work

I am so pleased to hear about two different Student Spouse projects making a difference in local schools!

The Marquette Dental School Student Spouse Alliance decided to not only give the children brushing lessons, but to send the kids home with a tooth-friendly goodie bag! To raise funds for this project the Alliance held a bake sale just in time for the holidays.

Kasey Bruch-Nenn donated some Sparkley Books to the sale as well!

The bake sale was a huge success with everything selling out! the Alliance made enough money to purchase toothbrushes, tooth paste, and stickers for each goodie bag. The volunteers read to 10 different classes of pre-school through 1st graders.

"The kids all loved their goodie bags, and many of the parents talked to me a few days later informing me that their children had come home and taught them the proper way to brush their teeth!" says Brittney Checketts. She continued, "I had SO much fun and can't wait for the next opportunity I have to go and teach in the schools again!"

Great job Brittney and the Marquette Student Alliance!

Student spouse Megan Beatty arranged a huge dental health education activity for her classroom. Using the Ready, Set, Brush books as inspiration she recruited her husband Joe (a second year dental student) and three of his fellow students to her class to teach the children proper brushing and flossing.

With puppets, tooth models and string the volunteers demonstrated good flossing technique to pre-school and kindergaten students just in time for National Children's Dental Health Month. Megan, being the creative enthusiast that she is, created two weeks worth of reading, math, science and social studies activities all centered on teeth, dentistry, and dental health!

Megan and her students.

It is truly inspiring to see Alliance members in action and making a difference! Anyone that is working on an Alliance project, or knows someone that is, please send me and email so I can be sure to share your hard work with the rest of our members and friends.


Laurie said...

You all should be very proud of your accomplishments!
Way to go, teaching those children good oral health practices is a wonderful thing!!
Laurie Osborn
AADA Membership Council Chair

childrendentistsca said...

A healthy tooth is highly important for the overall health of children and right from their birth, parents can do certain things to promote a healthy mouth in them and to prevent cavities. For toddlers, it is better to ensure that they do not go to sleep with feeding bottle on their mouth and the mom should regularly check the teeth for stains or spots.

childrens dental health