Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Introducing Your Brand New Communications Coordinator

Hi everyone,

I have already had the pleasure of introducing myself to many of you on facebook and over the phone, but just in case you missed me... I want to introduce myself and say a few words about how excited I am to be a part of your organization.

I moved to Chicago almost six years ago after graduating from Miami University of Ohio, since then I have volunteered and interned with several non-profit organizations including PAWS Chicago, Hostelling International and Climb for a Cause. My personal goal is to work with a not-for-profit organization and to be excited about what I get to do every day. My connection to the dental industry stems from my work with Climb for a Cause, last year we climbed San Jacinto Peak and raised almost $50,000 for children’s oral health and treatment projects. I feel that working with the AADA is a wonderful opportunity and I look forward to meeting all of you.

Also about myself, I love all kinds of animals, I have two cats at home and I have been vegan for three years. I enjoy maintaining my container garden, photography, travel, vegan cooking and biking (sometimes even in the winter). Please don’t hesitate to email or comment if you have a question, suggestion, or would just like to say hello.


Emily Vagts
Communications Coordinator

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