Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Well-Being Chair-Mary Ellen Psaltis

During the month of May I thought it would be fun to feature our Well-Being Chair, Mary Ellen Psaltis and see what it is like being...In her shoes! Some fun questions and answers (from Mary Ellen) are featured below.

1-In your words what is well being?
A. Taking care of your physical, mental and spiritual needs and wants in a mindful, nourishing way.

2-Personally, what has been your goals for the Alliance while filling the office of Well-Being Chair?
Already accomplished: I have visited numerous states and Alliance groups to encourage overall well being and Alliance membership. The articles that I write for our Key and other publications are uplifting, informative and helpful.
Still looking forward to accomplishing: It has been challenging for me to narrow the focus of Well Being as it is an incredibly broad topic. I have been inclined to concentrate on the well being of the actual member who serves in the first line of well being of the dental family. It is essential for us to care for ourselves so that we have the stamina and ability to live our lives to the fullest and to attend to the others in on our lives. I look forward to reaching more people.

3-What have you loved the most about being the Well-Being Chair and what do you spend the most amount of time doing?
A. Speaking about making healthy live choices as an Alliance representative is an honor and privilege. The time I spend with other Alliance members and the relationships that are created are a fountain of strength and inspiration, as well a plenty of laughs.

4-What do you consider some of the key elements or most important techniques in regards to taking care of one's personal well being?
A. Well being is a life choice, not just something you do once in a while. It means incorporating food, fun activities and down time in to your regular life. You are not always first on your list of Things to Do, but you cannot always be last.

5-What positive impact have you seen come from dental spouses who focus on taking care of their personal well being suppose to those who don't?
We all care for ourselves on some level. Some of us are more diligent than others. I have noticed that our life style makes a difference over time. All the little bits add up over time. Our requirements to life at our highest and best vary greatly from person to person. Remembering to tell yourself the truth about how your body feels, how your mind operates and the way you feed your soul is essential to staying well. It is the denial that gets us in trouble.
I encourage people to eat well, have fun and to not take things too seriously. I remind myself that my well being is important and that I am the best person to take care of it.

Thank you, Mary Ellen, for the personal and applicable tid-bits of wisdom! -Kaleena


Gigi said...

ME, can't wait to see you at GA Alliance first well being event!

Unknown said...

Love what you are doing with the blog . Highlighting Mary Ellen is a great way to generate interest. Keep it up!