Thursday, September 6, 2012

Member Spotlight

 Allow me to introduce you to our newest 

Member in the Spotlight... April Cobb

April Cobb and Her Family
Dentistry is a second career for my husband Nick.  Among many considerations, the fact that dentistry is a family friendly profession helped entice him into this field.  While he was attending dental school, he made many connections with his fellow students, the faculty, and other area professionals.  As his spouse I wanted to support him and have a connection to the profession.  I found the Alliance purely by accident while taking my 4th grade students on a field trip.  We passed a hotel that was holding the annual TDA Convention and I saw a sign for the Alliance of the American Dental Association (AADA) while I toured around with nearly one hundred children.  The sign promoted a dental spouse event and after a quick internet search when I returned to Houston, I submitted my membership.

Cobb Family Dentistry
Pat Cross, the former Student Spouse Trustee of the Alliance, did so much to support me while Nick was in school.  I taught school full time, cared for our two young sons, and balanced home life during dental school.  I applied for the grant to attend the AADA annual Conference, and was absolutely thrilled to be able to attend.  The Student Spouses were given a book of encouraging letters from Alliance members to help us Student Spouses get through the tough times of dental school.  Pat may not know how much I adore that booklet, but it was a very special—and appreciated gift.  Getting to meet members from around the country, seeing how they supported the dental profession and seeing their enthusiasm at various events are all experiences that helped me and my family make it through dental school.

Nick graduated from the University of Texas Dental Branch in May 2011.  It was a proud moment for our whole family.  Out of almost 100 graduating seniors, two of them “flew solo” and purchased their own practice.  Nick was one of them.  We negotiated money figures that could have induced nausea, we moved our family to a new city, I resigned from my teaching job, and our lives began a new chapter. 

We recently celebrated our first anniversary with the practice, a milestone I am thrilled to hit. This year has been tough, but we continue to flourish as a dental family.

Inspired by Alliance members and their active roles in community events I signed up Nick’s practice to be an official sponsor of the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in September 2012.  We want to promote oral health awareness for cancer patients and survivors.

Building upon some dental education project ideas that I learned about when Nick was in school, I have visited over 500 children in our local schools this year and taught them about dental health.  

I still look at the encouraging letters from Alliance members.  At first, when we had a slow month, it helped me stay calm and positive.  When I think about taking on events like dental education presentations or race sponsorship, I am reminded of the many families who have taken on similar, and often more daunting projects, and I jump right in. 

1 comment:

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