Monday, March 21, 2011

Mark Your Calendars

AADA Convention 2011 is in Las Vegas, Nevada!!!
October 9-13

members will get to meet and stay in the MGM Grand Hotel. We are excited to participate with our dentists during their Annual Session.

Interlaced with meeting schedules, Alliance members get to enjoy Themla J. Neff award luncheon, ADPAC/AADA Member Project Awards Brunch, & the incoming/outgoing President's Reception. Not to mention the many sites, shopping and shows that Las Vegas has to offer.

In conjunction with Convention, the Alliance is asking for your support in putting together super simple and easy care kits for those in need in Nevada. We Care for You from Head to Toe Project asks you to bring: a Hat-Head, Toothbrush-of course, Socks-Toe.

Call your Alliance friends and mark your calendars for October. We can't wait to see you there! For more detail information on Convention, go to the Alliance website.

1 comment:

Johanna of the Pearl said...

Hurray! That's a good blog, Kaleena.