Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Conference in Tempe, Arizona

This year the Alliance is hosting their annual Conference in Arizona April 15-18. Alliance members from all over the country will be flying and driving in to Relax + Renew + Recharge in the temperate weather. The perfect remedy for the winter time blues. This years Conference will feature a five hour tour and low key itinerary. WE are very excited to feature Juila Pearl, well-being specialist and The Reason to Smile Event on Friday. Saturday is packed with fun educative events and spotlights honoring those great members of the Alliance who serve us and their communities so well. Sunday brunch concludes the conference.
As many of you know Conference events are not to miss and full of laughs, fun, and connection. Make sure you do everything you can to join us for this great event in April!
Check out the Alliance website for all the need to know details and registration information!


-Kaleena-Your Blog Administrator said...

Just 2 days away! Hope everyone pack some shorts cause its been hot!

Lindsey said...

Hey! My husband is Korey Anderson. He was a first time attendee and said he had a great time at the meeting! I look forward to coming to the meetings when I'm out of school. I love the blog idea! Beautiful background. I like blogging too. Mine is I look forward to meeting you someday!

Erin said...

Conference was great! It was nice to meet you. I appreciate all the work you are doing to get the blog going. My family's blog is Mainly just pics of my kiddos.

Gigi said...

Hi Kaleena! This is my first blog! Enjoyed seeing you at conference. Thanks for getting this started.

ME said...

It's back in the fast lane at home. I sure enjoyed the sunshine and smiling faces in Tempe.

-Kaleena-Your Blog Administrator said...

Thanks everyone for your comments! And who is ME??? cause it sure isn't me!

Unknown said...

Kaleena, you are doing a marvelous job with this. Keep reminding everyone to use those Membership Manual CDs to good advantage!
Johanna M